Jul 29, 2012

Shaheed Ibrahim Hazara | First Political Martyr of Hazara of Pakistan

     Hazaras national history is full of valor, sacrifices and zeal to fight to the bitter end, for the national cause. From youthful Khaliqo to ironic lady Shireen Aghai and to the hundreds of symbolic names that has not only beautified the Hazaras history but also dignified martyred that  has influenced the national movement and will do to a higher extend in the time to come.
     Shaheed Ibrahim Hazara was born in Quetta in 1966 and affiliated with Hazara Student Federation (HSF). Being a student leader is always challenging job to do especially in the time of political crisis, when one has to fight two battles; On educational ground and on political ground also. The decades of 1970s and 80s was the period of transition in the history of Hazaras.
     Ibrahim Hazara made a clear stance to keep the national movement apart from sectarian and extremist ideology. As a student leader he was very bold in his speeches and was fully aware of the fact that new political rise of Hazaras will be countered with extremism and sectarian tactics.
     He was martyred on the main gate of Govt. Degree College Quetta on July 19, 1986. Ibrahim Shaheed is considered to be the first ever political martyr of Hazaras of Pakistan. May Allah rest his soul in peace. Ameen.

Text credit: [ Zakir Gulzari ]