Dec 29, 2011

Pakistan Blog Award 2011

In 2010 CIO Pakistan got together with Google Pakistan to present the First Annual Pakistan Blog Awards highlighting those who have helped put Pakistan on the global blogosphere. This years Awards were the second of their kind. The main objective of the Award is to promote the all those new and experienced blogger who want to say all untold stories in Pakistan.
Hazaragi Wallpapers which have been working hard since last year for promoting Hazara Society with graphical work. No matter where we are? we have our focus on Hazaras living around the globe. Afghanistan Pakistan, Iran, Australia, United States and European countries. thus Hazaragi Wallpaper was also nominated as Pakistan Blog Award 2011 in the category of Best Photo Blog.
The Ceremony was started with traditional song of every province
Pakistan Blog Award Hall
Eltaf Hussain Adeer in Pakistan Blog Award Ceremony
Pakistan Blog Award UnConference before Award Night

Nov 25, 2011

Hazaragi Wallpapers nominated for Best Photo Blog!

Hazaragi Wallpapers has been nominated for BEST PHOTO BLOG at Pakistan Blog Award 2011, I the admin of Hazaragi Wallpapers, Eltaf Hussain Adeer hereby request from all Qowmas to vote for Hazaragi Wallpapers in this compitition.
How to Vote:
1. Go to the link [ ]
2. Scroll down and you will see 5 stars above the blog information
3. Click on the Fift star ( 5 star )

Why you should vote?
Your vote will give us the potential to continue the service of Hazaragi Wallpapers.
Your vote will give confidence to the new designers
Your vote will help us to extend Hazaragi Art.

Hazaragi Wallpapers ( Eltaf Hussain Adeer )


Nov 13, 2011

Zindagi Bayad Kard...

First I really thanks Mr. Najibullah Musafir for such a brilliant shot, This shot really inspire me at first glance, got me at the first look, made all the pains free at once. How beautiful she smile? How charm and joyful happiness?
After all the bad time we pass this year...after all the worst happened that we never expected... after all and after all but looking to this joys that she makes really gives me that one day will sun rise and shine in the land of us that will bring to much happiness, to much joy, to much success, to much smile at all.....finished

Photo by: Najibullah Musafir, [ Picture ]

Nov 9, 2011

Hazara Town View on Eid Days

The pleasant weather on Eid ul Adda in Hazara Town really makes the EID‌ day more beautiful and great. The blue cloudy sky and normal temperature was much good for the whole residence. But Eid was not celebrated as joyful as we celebrate a year ago and before because this is the area or resident of the families, fathers, and mothers who lost their loved one on recent days which was some days before EID. Whole Nation did not forget their sorrows, their loved one, their martyred who was targeted by extremist of the country.
Hussain‌ Abad, Hazara Town 
Side view of Hazara Town
Side View of Hazara Town

Sep 27, 2011

Worldwide protest Posters

As you Qowma knows that there will be a worldwide protest from 1st October 2011, so please don't forget to post your social network site such Facebook, Google+, orkut and other web-blog that you are using post one of the bellow posters or any other poster that Qowma has designed.

Sep 25, 2011

Shohadas of Quetta

On September 20, 2011 Hazara pilgrims started their travels toward Iran for the hope and prosperity of their life but they were attacked by unknown militants, as a result 29 Hazara has been martyred. The news spread over the Quetta city and all over the world as if an atomic blast. Everyone was in grid and the whole city has jammed and suddenly all bazars and commercials were closed and angry protest block many road mainly international root “The western Bypass”.
Protest are going to be held all over the world from 1st october 2011. Some of the countries are Pakistan, Afghanistan, Australia, Sweden, UK, USA, Denmark, and etc.

Sep 15, 2011

Beauty of Hazaraistan

Hazaraistan, homeland of Hazaras exist between mountainous ranges from Kabul capital of Afghanistan to Herat Province. We might saw Hazaraistan in Mountainous picture but collections that we are sharing reflects the beautiful snapshots and photographs which shows the greenish landscape, beautiful and heart touching rivers and lake that located in Hazaraistan.
Region: Hazaraistan
Country: Afghanistan
Photographer: Muzafar Ali
Behsood District
Dara Chasht, Yakawlang
Panjaow, Bamiyan
Yakawlang, Bamiyan
Yakawlang, Bamiyan
Behsood, Wardak
Foladi Valley, Bamiyan
Nilli, Daikundi
Siah Dera, Daikundi
Waragha Village, Sharistan, Daikundi
Qunaq Village, Waras Bamiyan

Aug 29, 2011

Norband Aaghil Wallpaper

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: 
Its lovliness increases; it will never 
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep 
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep 
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing. 
Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing 
A flowery band to bind us to the earth, 
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth 
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days, 
Of all the unhealthy and o'er-darkn'd ways 
Made for our searching: yes, in spite of all, 
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall 
From our dark spirits. Such the sun, the moon, 
Trees old and young, sprouting a shady boon 
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils 
With the green world they live in; and clear rills 
That for themselves a cooling covert make 
'Gainst the hot season; the mid-forest brake, 
Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms: 
And such too is the grandeur of the dooms 
We have imagined for the mighty dead; 
An endless fountain of immortal drink, 
Pouring unto us from the heaven's brink. 
مژده یاران همای عید آمد
عاشقانرا زحق نوید آمد
رخت غم را زتن بيندازيد
رخت شادی زنو پدید آمد
بزم عیش وطرب بياراييد
هدیه از خالق مجید آمد
قفل دل بشکنید و شادي كنيد
قفل دل را چسان کلید آمد
سجده ی شکر حق بجا آرید
فیض و بخشش همي مزید آمد
گل بپاشید وغنچه باز کنید
باغ رضوان ترا وعید آمد
محمودیا زلطف ومهرخداي
عید اسعد ترا سعید آمد

Aug 11, 2011

Ramazan in Bamiyan

A simple design of Holy month of Ramzan-ul-Mubarak with Bamiyan landscape.
Photo By: Hadi Zaher

Jul 2, 2011

Ali Baba Awrang's Calligraphic Work

Ali Baba Awrang's Beautiful Calligraphs 
Ali Baba Awrang, was born in Jaghori district of Ghazni province, He has been working with arts and has great contribution in calligraphic part. His best speculation, nice idea and art issue have got many popularity among afghans and outside afghanistan. He thinks that,"Calligraphy is one of the most beautiful visual arts is an Islamic art. Among all religions only Islam has given more opportunities to this artistic expression, calligraphy was hugely improved in all Islamic cultures all over the world." 
Ali Baba's Blog [ ]

His Contributions:




Jun 26, 2011

New Logo

Salam Qowma:
Months have passed after the lunch of Hazaragi Wallpapers, we have worked purely and passionately and still has the feeling of going forward. Our aim is to extend and spread Hazaragi culture and show them with different colors. We create wallpapers of Hazara world, Political Personalities, Religious Scholars, Artists, Gatherings, culture, history and the most important issue is to focus on current situation that is happening with Hazaras in different part of the world specially in Afghanistan and Quetta Pakistan.

About the Logo:
The logo which I have designed shows us the main symbols of Hazara people which is the Buddha of ancient Bamiyan, I have use this image as our Logo because the symbol represents our history and existence for 2000 years.
The second Hazaragi symbol I have used is Dambora, which is used by our artist. This symbol represents our people in recent technology that is called media.

Corporation needed Qowma:
Dear Qowma, we need your corporation and help in order to spread our words around the world, following are the things that we need from Qowma.
  • Photographers, designers, and painter can join us or just send their work to us.
  • Spread our words by sharing our site to your friends
  • Use Hazaragi wallpaper instate of foreign wallpapers in your computers and mobiles.
  • Send us high resolution Hazaragi picture, any photographs that is related to Hazara people
  • Qowma we are in need of your suggestion and opinions 
Anyone who is ready to join us, please contact at:
Cell: +92-3148168156

Jun 21, 2011

Nahur District in Fire

Hundreds of armed Kuchis (nomads) attacked Nahur district of Ghazni Province on Saturday, looting and burning down 26 villages and killing five people. According to victims and people of the area, they were ambushed suddenly at night by armed Kuchis, and residents of tens of villages in Nahur fled the area. Government officials have confirmed only one dead body in the area.
Source: Hazara people

Jun 2, 2011

Kochi Makes crime and Karzai Support them...

Today we stand united and will the show to world, the reality of kochi's crime in Behsud so that tomorrow will be too late. What if our leaders has stop talking about the crime in Behsud but the young and brave children of Behsud remembered the unity that we created in past to show the crime of kochis in Behsud. Today also we stand united and we say united.
 "We will not allow kochis should longer stay in Behsud"

May 30, 2011

Abe Mirza | Folk Hazaragi Singer

آبی میرزا که بسیاری ها اورا با نام دلارام و یا هم دختر مالستانی یاد کرده و یک زن هنرمند صاحب سبک میدانند، کیست؟ چرا نام او و آهنگهایی که به او نسبت داده شده است با نام آواز خوان دیگر هزاره، صفدر مالستانی پیوند خورده است؟ صفدر مالستانی چرا پذیرفته است آهنگهای او به اسم دختر مالستانی یا آبی میرزا شهرت پیدا کند؟
در سالهای اخیر، آواز خوانی با سبک و لهجه هزارگی، نه تنها در میان آوازخوانان هزاره افغانستان بلکه در میان سایر آوازخوانان این کشور نیز رواج چشمگیری پیدا کرده است. وجیهه رستگار، وحید قاسمی و اسد بدیع، نمونه هایی از سرشناس ترین آوازخوانان افغان اند که سروده هایی را با سبک و لهجه هزارگی اجرا کرده اند.
در این اواخر اما یک آهنگ جدید هزارگی، با اجرای دوگانه و ناشناس، در سایت های انترنتی پخش و با استقبال فراوانی روبرو شده است. استقبال از این آهنگ، بویژه در میان شنوندگان هزاره، از آن جهت قابل توجه است که شماری از شنوندگان، این آهنگ را به یکی از قدیمی ترین آوازخوانان زن هزاره یعنی آبی میرزا نسبت داده و یا حد اقل آن را پیروی و ادامه سبک این زن هنرمند و اما گوشه گیر دانسته اند. از محتوای این آهنگ جدید پیداست که اجراکنندگان آن خواسته اند غم غربت و دوری آوارگان افغان در ایران از وطن شان افغانستان را بازگو کنند
و اما آبی میرزا که بسیاری ها او را با نام دلارام و یا هم دختر مالستانی یاد کرده و یک زن هنر مند صاحب سبک میدانند، کیست؟ چرا نام او و آهنگهایی که به او نسبت داده شده است با نام آواز خوان دیگر هزاره، صفدر مالستانی پیوند خورده است؟ صفدر مالستانی چرا پذیرفته است آهنگهای او به اسم دختر مالستانی یا آبی میرزا شهرت پیدا کند؟

May 17, 2011

Chil Dukhtaran Aghai

خبر از ارزگان آورده کوتر
زکوچ رفتگان آورده کوتر
نمیدانم چیکه خونینه پر شی
غم چل دختران آورده کوتر.
چهل دختر، چهل کوتر، چهل رنگ
نشسته هر یکی بر شاخه ای سنگ
ده دست هر کدام شی نامۀ سرخ
چراغی، پرچمی، شور دل تنگ.
سبکبالان و سرخیلان اندوه
تفنگدارن سنگ و سوته و جو
پس از جنگ و گریز و آتش و دود
یکه یکه برفتند تا سر کوه.
پس پشت شی فقط چند خانه مانده
دو تار مو میان شانه مانده
از پشته قندهار تا دشت ششپر
فقط چند توغی ویرانه مانده.
سر کوتل سیا زاغا نشسته
تمام راه روود ره اوغو بسته
به لاخ کوه چهل گیسو حمایل
مسافران بال و پر شکسته.
شیرین سر خیل آن بالا نشسته
چنین می خواند با ساز شکسته
دختر ازرگی ده چنگ اوغو!؟
الیگو ننگه، ده قورو نوشته.
تمام ارزگو ره غم گرفته
خانه خانه شی ره ماتم گرفته
زمین داور و شش برج و دو دی
همه ره آتش گرفته، دم گرفته.
ده پای کوه تمام شی لاشه خوره
پاکستانی، هندی، اوغون کوره
تمام راه روود کوه ره بستن
راه دره دهان باز گوره.
پری از شاخ دولانه صدا کرد
شیرین با دختران یکجا دعا کرد
منیژه، تاج گل، زیبا، فریبا
ز صدق دل همه رو سون خدا کرد.
لشکر اوغونو نزدیک تر شد
کبوترها از این حرکت خبر شد
شیرین: زیبا، فریبا را بغل کرد
سفر کوتاه تر کوتاه تر شد.
کبوترها همه پرواز کردند
سفر سوی سفر آغاز کردند
عقابان بلند پرواز ازره
پر خونین شان را باز کردند.
تمام دره در فریاد گم شد
کبوترها به دردآباد گم شد
جوانی و غریبی و غم یار
همه در خاطر ناشاد گم شد.

Apr 23, 2011

Elaha Sorur | Sangsar

 سنگسارم می کنی سنگِ تو می گردد تمام
  حرفِ رنگارنگ و نیرنگِ تو می گردد تمام
 من کی می مانم من کی می خوانم از سمی گردم
نشکنم خوب می دانم آخر آخر دختر خراسانم

Apr 9, 2011

Bamiyan Valley landscap

The Bamiyan Valley is famous for its ancient Buddhist remains such as monasteries, cave art and particularly gigantic Buddhist statues. Two of the biggest Buddhist statues in Bamiyan Valley, measuring 55 meters and 37 meters respectively, were deliberately destroyed by the Taleban in 2001. They were the largest standing Buddha statues in the world. Their destruction shocked the world and brought much exposure and attention to Bamiyan Valley.

Here now we are publishing some of the wonderful pictures of the beautiful valley of Bamiyan which was taken by Hadi Zaheer during his trip to bamiyan.
Bamiyan Valley
Foladi Valley - Bamiyan
Dokani Valley - Bamiyan
Bamiyan Valley
Foothill of Koh-e-Baba
Shush Pul Bamiyan
Bamiyan Valley from Budha Niche
Bamiyan Budha