Apr 9, 2011

Bamiyan Valley landscap

The Bamiyan Valley is famous for its ancient Buddhist remains such as monasteries, cave art and particularly gigantic Buddhist statues. Two of the biggest Buddhist statues in Bamiyan Valley, measuring 55 meters and 37 meters respectively, were deliberately destroyed by the Taleban in 2001. They were the largest standing Buddha statues in the world. Their destruction shocked the world and brought much exposure and attention to Bamiyan Valley.

Here now we are publishing some of the wonderful pictures of the beautiful valley of Bamiyan which was taken by Hadi Zaheer during his trip to bamiyan.
Bamiyan Valley
Foladi Valley - Bamiyan
Dokani Valley - Bamiyan
Bamiyan Valley
Foothill of Koh-e-Baba
Shush Pul Bamiyan
Bamiyan Valley from Budha Niche
Bamiyan Budha


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