Jun 26, 2011

New Logo

Salam Qowma:
Months have passed after the lunch of Hazaragi Wallpapers, we have worked purely and passionately and still has the feeling of going forward. Our aim is to extend and spread Hazaragi culture and show them with different colors. We create wallpapers of Hazara world, Political Personalities, Religious Scholars, Artists, Gatherings, culture, history and the most important issue is to focus on current situation that is happening with Hazaras in different part of the world specially in Afghanistan and Quetta Pakistan.

About the Logo:
The logo which I have designed shows us the main symbols of Hazara people which is the Buddha of ancient Bamiyan, I have use this image as our Logo because the symbol represents our history and existence for 2000 years.
The second Hazaragi symbol I have used is Dambora, which is used by our artist. This symbol represents our people in recent technology that is called media.

Corporation needed Qowma:
Dear Qowma, we need your corporation and help in order to spread our words around the world, following are the things that we need from Qowma.
  • Photographers, designers, and painter can join us or just send their work to us.
  • Spread our words by sharing our site to your friends
  • Use Hazaragi wallpaper instate of foreign wallpapers in your computers and mobiles.
  • Send us high resolution Hazaragi picture, any photographs that is related to Hazara people
  • Qowma we are in need of your suggestion and opinions 
Anyone who is ready to join us, please contact at:
Email: hazaragiwallpapers@gmail.com
Cell: +92-3148168156

Jun 21, 2011

Nahur District in Fire

Hundreds of armed Kuchis (nomads) attacked Nahur district of Ghazni Province on Saturday, looting and burning down 26 villages and killing five people. According to victims and people of the area, they were ambushed suddenly at night by armed Kuchis, and residents of tens of villages in Nahur fled the area. Government officials have confirmed only one dead body in the area.
Source: Hazara people

Jun 2, 2011

Kochi Makes crime and Karzai Support them...

Today we stand united and will the show to world, the reality of kochi's crime in Behsud so that tomorrow will be too late. What if our leaders has stop talking about the crime in Behsud but the young and brave children of Behsud remembered the unity that we created in past to show the crime of kochis in Behsud. Today also we stand united and we say united.
 "We will not allow kochis should longer stay in Behsud"