Mar 2, 2012

Baba Mazari

Abdul Ali Mazari’s far reaching vision and affectionate heart felt not only the miseries and sufferings of Hazaras but all other ethnic groups living in Afghanistan. He wanted to achieve survival in mutual harmony for the future generations of the Afghans, free of in-fighting and violence that has marred the history of Afghanistan for the last couple of centuries. There are only two ways to freedom/autonomy: evolution and revolution and Mazari fought for both. In his speeches he repeated that his aim was to remove the discrimination against the Hazaras because of biased policies of the central government and he would strive to create a situation in Afghanistan where Hazaras will be given access to justice and equality by the centre. He demanded respect, parity and civil rights for his people in a free and prosperous Afghanistan.

#Mazari, #BabaMazari, #shahidmazari